Agriculture in Asia - هيكل للزراعة - Heikaltyfu
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    Tuesday, March 14, 2017

    Agriculture in Asia

    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور الزراعة في اسياAgriculture in Asia
    Agriculture is one of the most important aspects of economic activity in the continent. The statistics of the United Nations in 1988 showed that the labor force in this activity reached 61.1%. There is a variation in the percentage of agricultural labor in the countries of the continent where the percentage rises to 92% in Nepal, The lowest level on the continent in Singapore, where only 1.1%. However, the general trend is the downward trend in all countries of the continent and is linked to several factors, some due to scientific progress and the use of agricultural mechanization, as in Japan and China may be due to the decline Also in other parts of the continent, to the failure of public services and increase the contrast between rural and urban areas, which led to large numbers to migrate to the city in anticipation of a better level of subsistence. There are many important crops that are famous for the production of the lion, for example produces "more than 52% of the size The world's production of millet is ranked first by production, followed by China. It is also famous for the production of many commercial crops. It contributes 93% of the global production of rubber, which is cultivated in Southeast Asia in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
    As for cotton, the continent produces 46% of the world's production. The production of the continent in 1988 increased to 24 million tons. China ranked first in the continent and the world, with 12 million tons. China is in the valley of the Yanski River in the middle and the south and the plain of South China. In India, its cultivation is spread in the area of ​​the Deccan Plateau.
    The sugar cane crop is considered one of the most important crops in the continent. Its output increased to 374 million tons. India is the first producer in the continent, but the world's production increased from 198 million in 1988. It is cultivated in the Kang River valley and the region. Located near schools. China is second, followed by Pakistan.
    Asia produces 80% of the world tea production. Its production in 1988 increased to 2 million tons. India is the first producer. Its cultivation is concentrated in the northeastern part of Assam and Dar Gillank, and China is second in production and then Sri Lanka.
    Asia also produces 57% of the world's total tobacco production, with the continent's output increasing to 3.6 million tons. China is the first producer, with cultivation in the North China Plain. India is in second place, growing in North Bengal, East of the city schools also spread tobacco cultivation in many countries of the continent, including Turkey, Japan, Pakistan and Iraq.
    The continent also produces many fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas and dates, as well as vegetables. The table below shows the most important agricultural products in the continent for 1988.
    The most important sources of livestock in the continent are cows, which increased in 1988 to 384 million heads. India is in the forefront of countries of the continent and the world, where the number of herds of 193 million head, and despite the large number of this animal production does not produce economically because of the nature of Hinduism, which prohibits eating meat, such as Metzmat small and low production of milk and most of the white-tailed, Basem al-Zibo.
    The number of pigs is one of the important sources of livestock, with an increase of 404 million heads in the continent. China occupies the first place in terms of possession of more than 334 million heads, followed by Japan in second place, India, and more than 331 million sheep and 295 million head Of goats.
    Forest wealth
    Forests occupy an area of ​​more than 562 million hectares. Large areas of forests are exposed to continuous cutting under the influence of population pressure and urban and agricultural expansion. Forest trees on the continent vary greatly due to the diversity of climatic conditions and surface features. Hardwoods are important trees, with their trees represented in the Sajic and Tic in the tropics of the south-east of the continent. Timber is one of the products on the continent's list of exports. The production of the continent of wood is more than 1021 million cubic meters, equivalent to 30% of the volume of global production, and the amount of Asian exports of wood more than 25 million m3, equivalent to 20% of the amount of wood entering the world and China is the leading wood producing countries in the continent Followed by India and then Indusia and the following table shows the most important producers and exporters in the continent.
    Fish Wealth
    Fish are a staple food for the vast majority of the continent's population, especially those in the eastern part of Asia. The large population of the continent and the increased demand for animal protein, with the scientific methods used in the fishing process, have all contributed to the sea. In the east of the continent and the large number of coastal lagoons provided by the natural ports and the impact of marine currents that are playing are factors that contributed to the increase in the amount of production in the continent can be distinguished fishing areas the following:

    1. Fishing areas
    Fishing in the inland waters of the continent
    Fishing accounts for the bulk of the fish, which is more than 37 million tons, equivalent to 82 percent of the fish caught in Asia. East Asia is one of the most important fisheries in Asia and the world, including the Soviet Union, Korea, China, They are sardines, mackerel and tuna.
    Japan is at the forefront of Asia and the world, with 11.8 million tons, followed by the Soviet Union with 11.1 million tons and China with 9.3 million tons. Despite the large production of fisheries in the eastern continent,

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