an introduction
Sugar is an important strategic commodity for all countries of the world. Sugar after wheat is of strategic importance in Europe, Africa, the Americas and Australia, while sugar is second only to rice for Asian countries.
The sugar industry depends primarily on the sugar cane crop, which is an important source of sugar production. Sugar cane yield is a profitable return, in addition to the possibility of loading some field crops, which provides an additional return for the farmer and provides food commodities imported by the state in free currencies. In addition to the secondary industries such as wax, dry yeast, brewer's yeast, carbon dioxide gas, potassium sulphate, butanol, acetone, and alcohol oil, which is used in the production of fresh honey and black honey, as well as many industries based on sugar cane residues such as molasses, vinegar and alcohol. In the aromatic industries, in addition to benefiting from the field waste in the harvest season, using alfalfa and green leaves in feeding cattle and
burning the ambassador, the majority of insects and harmful diseases hidden in soil or parasitic on weeds can be disposed of. Ashes from the fire contribute to increasing soil fertility. Transfer part of the leaves to organic fertilizer.
Sugar cane contributes about 73% of the total sugar production in the world. The total cultivated area of sugar cane in the world is 46.618 million feddans in 2002/2003, producing 1.288 billion tons of cane with an average productivity of 27.64 tons / fed.
Egypt is the world's leading producer with a productivity of 50.3 tons / fed on the basis of a 12-month growth season according to 2003 statistics. Global sugar production is 143.27 million tons and global consumption of sugar in the same year is 136.50. Egypt occupies the fourth place in terms of per capita consumption Sugar consumption by 30 kg per capita per year after Brazil, the European Union and the United States of America respectively, has increased per capita consumption of sugar in the major Asian countries, such as China, India and other countries due to the high standard of living, leading to increased global demand for sugar and the consequent rise in the price of sugar This reflects the need to raise the productivity of the feddan as well as the need for this crop, which is considered the most economically viable crops. In 2004, the Arab Republic of Egypt produced 1.366.005 tons of sugar, of which 1.019.090 tons of sugar cane and 346914 tons Of sugar beet and Egypt consumption of sugar about 2.2 million tons and the addition of sugar beet and Egypt's consumption of sugar about 2.2 million tons and the addition of localities of 158405 tons, the deficit between consumption and production 654946 tons, this gap is filled by imports,
The reed is one of the most stressful crops of the agricultural land. It stays in the ground for a long period of time. It yields a large crop of chopsticks and leaves, which makes it absorb much of the nutrients and nutrients in the form of fertilizers. The reeds are crops that consume about 8000-9000 m3 of irrigated irrigation water. In the land where the cane is grown, the following conditions must be met:
* It should be easy to irrigation with the provision of water throughout the year, noting the regularity of the availability of irrigation water during the summer and therefore prefer land in the beginning and center of the canals and irrigation machines should be provided to the lands located at the ends of the canals so that the crop is not affected by the lack of water.
* The lands selected for growing cane are easy to transport close to Dikovil lines and reed loading stations to reduce the cost of transferring reeds to factories and reduce the possibility of deterioration or lack of quality qualities resulting from delayed supply.
Agricultural cycle and the unification of ages
Reeds are grown in assemblies with large areas so that only the first, second and third planting can be obtained, which leads to many advantages including:
A - Elimination of the old successor weak production.
(B) Unification of agricultural operations in each cluster;
C - Ease of use of agricultural mechanization in various agricultural processes and laser leveling.
D - The operations of breaking and supply to factories.
E. Not to re-cultivate the land with reeds, distribute selected seeds and treat diseases.
G - Ease of pest resistance.
1. Farmers increase the years of reed planting for more than four years (for not incurring the cost of planting a new planting crop), causing the following damage:
- Deterioration of soil fertility.
- ZeyadPest and disease spread. - Low yield and sugar content. 2. Planted cane should be carried out in the cultivated areas in order to avoid the damage of cane cultivation after cane. The length of reed can not exceed four years (planting + four leaves) 2228 for the year 2003. The date of agriculture The re-planting of spring reeds The most suitable date for spring planting is during February, March and part of April. The reforestation of the reeds is recommended for planting in September and October in both the central Egypt and Upper Egypt regions - Such as tomatoes and onions, and vegetables crops such as tomatoes and onions. The effect of agriculture on the yield and sugar content is that the delay in planting in spring reeds results in a shortening of the yield and the maturity of the crop. (12 months in the case of spring reeds, 16-18 months in the reeds). The soil is prepared for planting during the winter season, thus reducing the yield as well as weeds. ), As well as not to renew the cultivation annually but leave the land for about four years or more (planting + 3 behind), which is only the process of the gap for each successor after the harvest (break) of the previous crop - and therefore it is necessary to pay attention and good care of processing the soil well equipped It is possible to increase the depth and spread of the root total and increase the basal branch of the reed plants, which will positively affect the growth and increase the number of juices that can be juice and thus increase the yield and increase the sugar extracted and the rest of the byproducts. 3-depth) from 30-45 cm. If the land is prepared for reed cultivation after the last recess is broken, then the ambassador of the previous crop is burned first and then the plowing is done. 2. Deep tillage under the soil is 60-80 cm in one direction (so that the plow's machinery starts from the bank towards the top of the earth) in order to improve the drainage and break the layer of the mud beneath the mud layer and prepare a good cradle for the roots Where 90% of reed roots are in this area. Figure 3 - Soil Smoothing The soil is softened after deep plowing using a reddisk or municipal means (heavy panel) with tractor to reduce the mechanical disability of the roots and to facilitate penetration and penetration of soil - as well as finding a gas water balance 4. Laser leveling is a modern way to precisely level the ground using a laser. A network budget is performed at the beginning of the laser leveling process to determine the surface of the soil. High and low places so that they can be focused on reducing the settling time and the work of the necessary inclination. The importance of laser leveling1 - Shortening the time required for irrigation due to the ease and speed of water flow on the surface of the soil and the absence of land from the low places (stomachs) and the high. Wet soil and low ground, where the roots are suffocated, the length of the chopsticks is low, and the soil is free from the highlands, making the water easy to reach. 3. Providing the fuel needed to operate the irrigation pump due to the lack of time to irrigate the land and provide labor. The irrigation system developed by the perforated pipes is very easy to use. The agricultural gypsum dispersion (water calcium sulfate) is easy to use: The agricultural gypsum reduces the alkalinity, as well as improving the properties of the soil for the presence of calcium over the ventilation. The agricultural gypsum is added to the surface of the soil prior to the planning process at a rate of 3 - 4 tons / acre, or according to the gypsum requirements of the land. The plan is planned at the rate of 7 lines / two reeds for autumn planting and 8 lines / rods for spring planting. The results of the research are recommended for wide planning at a rate of 1 m. Wide planning features 1- Increasing basal base of reeds under the surface of the soil with increasing sediment. 3. The increase in yield in quantity and quantity as the plants get enough food and light to increase their thickness, length and weight. 5. Ease of irrigation control, planting (in planting), fug (behind) and ease of pest resistance. 6. Providing the quantity of seeds used in agriculture and thus saving production costs. 7. Easy loading on reeds especially in autumn agriculture. The land is to be tightened to facilitate the irrigation process and facilitate the operation of the service. After planning the ground, the channels are split and the land is divided into segments according to the nature of the land. Eyes) in the lining of the line with a row system and a half or two classes so that they are overlapping not to leave empty spaces without eyes affecting the plant density and then cover the soil with the soil from the next line of the cultivated line, the thickness should not exceed 5 cmSo as not to delay the germination and the emergence of plants above the surface of the soil. Sugar cane varieties reached a range of commercial and promising varieties through domestic breeding or importation or exchange of varieties with cane producing countries. The following is a table of these varieties: Sugar crop (ton / fed) Ton / acre) Sugar yield% Reed varieties 7.0257.112.3 Giza Taiwan 54-98.3463.213.2PH80-136.8352.113.2 Giza 84- 476.9858.212.0 Giza 95- 197.3963.211.7 Giza 95- 21 It is observed that when dealing with these products, - 6 tons of seeds according to the method of agriculture and the planning rate, where the feddan needs 4-5 tons in agriculture, a row and a half of the seed mind and 6 tons when planting in two rows. Selection of seeds to fertilize the field, which will be used as reeds good fertilizer, especially fertilizer Nitrogen - with care We prefer the selection of seed from the fields of planting (Bakr) or the first successor to the most and from good fields with strong growth cane intact free of disease and insecticide, while avoiding the selection of seeds from the reeds lying or infected with insects or soft crusty insects or mice. Agriculture - The different nature of the growth of varieties makes them affect some of them and result in the death of a large number of plants of the weakest category developed and the field shows scattered areas are absent, which forced the farmer to provide, which increases agricultural costs. - This leads to a disparity in the growth of cultivar cultivar, The mixing causes the spread of fungal and viral diseases and the increase of insect infestation, especially if the strange variety is susceptible to infection of these diseases and insects. Transferring and equipping the seeds for planting in order to transfer the reeds from the field to the place of agriculture without removing the leaves or ablution. The seeds should not be increased in the seeds' brains from 4 eyes. The bud that first grows the other buds will be inhibited or its growth will be increased. This causes the heterogeneity of germination or the presence of blanks in the field. Disinfectants in the sterilization of agricultural machines for the non-transmission of diseases, especially viral ones, such as mosquito and other diseases, such as roasting and red mold. The eyes should not be damaged by cutting on a piece of wood instead of cutting on the ground to maintain a homogeneous plant density to be The cutting machine is very sharp. The reeds are grafted with reeds, especially the stalks, as follows: 1. Cultivation of the seed seed nursery in November with the following specifications: 1- Cutting the mind with a length of 6-8 cm, and planting it in polyethylene bags with ordinary soil, For irrigation and seedlings in the permanent field. 2 - nursery service of irrigation and fertilization and purification of weeds as is the cultivation of reeds regular, taking into account the manual purification of weeds developing within the bags.3 - take into account the nursery before the transfer no more than 7 - 10 days according to nature Temperature and humidity in transport. 4. Considers the compatibility between the length of reeds plants in the field and the seedlings to be transferred. The importance of the implementation of these operations was the following: 1- The possibility of replanting the reeds in the seedlings on the whole. 2- There is a compatibility between the date of patching and the planting date of the nursery. Seed growth is greater or smaller than the general level of field plant growth. 3. Seed source is pest free. 4. Crop yield is increased by 7% to 10% depending on the age of the field. This process is considered an important process to: Weed elimination, which is considered a competition for yield in the consumption of irrigation water and nutrients. And from alternative families of insects and diseases. 2 - The accumulation of dust around the bases of plants helps to grow the lower buds and this increases the amount of the crop - and the increase of sediment around the bottom and this increases the amount of the crop - The plant needs two primary conditions: after 1 - 1.5 months of planting, where the appearance of the lines and the two feathers is a slight constraint to remove the weeds and seal the cracks. Second: After a month of initial isolation where the lines are completely destroyed and the land becomes almost flat, the height of the plants in this spindle should not be less than 20 cm so that the soil does not cover some of the leaves of the plants. Clipping your back in the process of gap between the reed lines to rid the land of weeds and collect the largest amount of soil around Plants to increase their fastening and yielding. Crop yield on reeds and orchards. The yield of the cane plantation is about 16-18 months, in addition to the period of preparing the land and preparing it for agriculture, which takes about one month, thus increasing the cost of producing the crop. The farms can take advantage of the cold winter period during which the growth of cane is slow to load some short winter crops (such as beans, lentils, clover, ring, tomato, onion and garlic) to cover the increase in production costs and even gain profit. Harvesting of reeds early in September to increase the speed of germination and integration, and make the initial and second reeds in the case of non-loading and add the first batch of nitrogen fertilizer to strengthen plants and push them To early fertilization and there are crops to be loaded with the cultivation of reeds directly such as tomatoes and fern onion should be purified the soil and the cultivation of the harvested crop and irrigation directly * After harvesting the cropAfter the drying process, the cavity of the cane is carried out, in which the lines are laid around the plants and the second batch of nitrogen fertilizer is added, and the above service operations are carried out until the harvest is done. The sugar cane is required to be added to the soil and air temperature. Water flowing through the surface which loses outside the field without benefit or loses in the layers of the earth away from the cane reeds, where irrigation water leads to loss of manure away from the growth area of the islet. * Excessive irrigation water leads to stagnation in reeds and increased incidence of mice and diseases. And increase its costs. * Lack of sugar content and increase impurities. The relationship between irrigation and other agricultural processes * Good tillage leads to soil disintegration (increased ventilation) and reduce the mechanical disability of the roots and increase the easy water for absorption by plants. The studies have shown that laser leveling provides about 30% of the added water and increases the yield by 25%. Moreover, the precise adjustment reduces the amount of water added and reduces the time and cost of irrigation. * Borage should be saturated (heavy) enough to drink the water seed brain and the hydrolysis of sucrose into single sugars and alert the buds on the brain for germination. * Excessive nitrogen fertilizer addition leads to the absorption of plants for a large amount of water • Increase the weight of the juices and reduce the quality of the juice to increase water content and impurities as well as increase the exposure of plants to attack diseases, insects, pests and rugs • Attention to the gap and disposal around the plant to preserve moisture and reduce the possibility of occurrence of increased incidence in the old back because the level of injustice is constantly rising, • Irrigation should not be carried out during windbreaks to reduce stagnation • Care should be taken to rewound the reeds, especially in the marine area of the field, to reduce stagnation • Prevent or stop irrigation before fracture long enough to concentrate sucrose on the epidermis The Sugar Crops Research Institute has started collaborating with some of the stakeholders concerned with crop yield such as the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, the Sugar Crops Council, sugar companies, the agriculture sector in the governorates, and the Ministry of Irrigation and Extension in the use of improved surface irrigation. It is under the system of irrigation of the flooded. Under the system of surface irrigation developed can control the amount of water entering each line on the basis of scientific sound taking into account: 1 - study the rate of water flow over the soil surface as well as its permeability in the soil. Of water and thus control the amount of water required for irrigation and the time required after closure. 3. Soil density and type, affecting the water flow rate and irrigation time. 4. The level of the field level and the settlement tendencies that directly affect the placement of perforated pipes and irrigation time. Surface irrigation system using perforated pipes instead of using tiled pipes which can control the opening and closing of irrigation holes as well as the amount of water discharged from the hole. This new system will also reduce costs as the network pipes are isolated above ground instead of part (Main line below the ground). In addition, this new system does not add burdens to the farmer that he will use the irrigation machine that he uses without the need to buy new pumps. Picture of the advantages of surface irrigation developed 1 - reduce the loss of water by surface evaporation or leakage of irrigation channels because water 2. Minimize the spread of weeds growing in the canals while minimizing the transfer of grass seeds within the fields. 3. A water pump is usually used, which helps in the speed of irrigation, which can be fed in 2-3 hours. Adding water to the desired quantity and in time helps to regularize growth and improve productivity and reduce the spread of weeds and thus pests and diseases. 5. Increase the cultivated area through the provision of channels and areas. 6. Non-direct contact of water to the human body and reduce the incidence of water diseases such as schistosomiasis. Environmental pollution by pushing the water in pipes and dispensing open channels, which are considered breeding grounds for insects and diseases. Sugar cane sugar cane has a large vegetative population, a rational leg and a strong root total, a plant whose growth is weak showing signs of dwarfism and lack of mercurial elements and its synthesis is weak. Fertilizer is the activity of reed absorption at the age of 3-6 months and it is possible to continue the absorption of fertilizers for up to 12 months and varieties of cane differ in the degree of absorption of fertilizer and increase the addition of manure in the soil as technical recommendations increase the absorption of the plant. Climate relations and irrigation water by fertilizer - - The high temperature leads to the emergence of lack of manure, and the decay of plants and if the duration of thirst lead to: a - dry the surface of the soil and lack of use of fertilizer added B - the lack of depth of roots and lack of absorption of fertilizers. In the roots and leaves. D - Part of the nitrogen turns into nitrite is not useful for the plants. - and increase the irrigation water leads to the loss of part of the washing in irrigation water so control and control irrigation water so as not to lose fertilizer. Adding fertilizer to the fields of fertilizer Add nitrogen fertilizers only in reed fields In the batches and add the secret of the seed next to the reeds plants in the planting and between the lines in the second, third and back. The municipal fertilizer is added in central Egypt only andIt is rarely occurs in Upper Egypt and the municipal fertilizer is added when serving the land before planting and plowing it. Expansion of sugar cane areas in lands not previously reached by the Nile and there is no silt that leads to the emergence of other fertilizers such as potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen depletion - Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency - Yellowing of leaves (because nitrogen enters chlorophyll) - Poor growth (shortness of fish and short length of chopsticks) - Decreased yield of chopsticks and sugar ratio - Increased nitrogen damage - Continued vegetative growth and delayed sugar transfer and storage. - Increase the percentage of monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), which negatively affects the crystallization of sucrose (diuretic sugar) and increase its loss in molasses. - Increasing the water content in the tenderness (become more tender), making it easier and more aggressive diseases, insects and mice. This is followed by the necessity of increasing the impurities in the juice, which negatively affects the extraction of sucrose. - Plants tend to roam, which makes it difficult to break down and increase the attacking of the birds for the Eid. Republic of Egypt Arab Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Agricultural Research Center Central Administration of Agricultural Extension Scientific ArticleSolar Sugar Research InstitutePericulture Research Institute Plant Pathology Research CenterWeed Research Center
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